
Explore the ancient Rasperpunt Fish Traps, a fascinating heritage site at Cape Agulhas that showcases the ingenuity of early coastal communities. These stone-built fish traps, dating back hundreds of years, were ingeniously designed to capture fish as the tide recedes, providing a sustainable method of fishing.

Visitors can walk along the coastline to view these historical structures, marveling at the craftsmanship and resourcefulness of the indigenous people who constructed them. The scenic location offers breathtaking views of the ocean and the rugged coastline, making it a perfect spot for photography and contemplation.

Informative signs and guided tours provide insights into the history and significance of the fish traps, enriching your visit with knowledge about traditional fishing techniques and the cultural heritage of the area.

A visit to the Rasperpunt Fish Traps offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, making it an enriching experience for all who venture to this remarkable site in Cape Agulhas.
