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Flair Mark

Die Bars 19 Church Street, Bredasdorp, South Africa

Vir meer inligting kontak 082 444 4980

Battle of the Mo’s

Struisbaai Harbour Cafe Harbour Road, Struisbaai, South Africa

Calling all the Mo Bro's! Join our epic Movember competition and show off your majestic moustache! Fantastic prizes up for grabs!   ALL FUNDS RAISED WILL BE DONATED TO CANSA    


Market Day

Struisbaai Harbour Cafe Harbour Road, Struisbaai, South Africa

For more information contact René 083 899 9882

Baardskeerdersbos Open Studios

Baardskeerdersbos R43, South Africa

Participating Artists - Jan Vingerhoets, Sue Vingerhoets, Neil Jonker, Pamela Sullivan, Eva Gilliam & Nikki Miles   For more information contact 083 759 3094

Lino Printing Workshop

Die Stoep: Sleep, Studio, Spaza 52 Sarel Cilliers Street, Napier, South Africa

Print 4 table napkins. All materials are included plus wine and snacks.   Bookings with Ashley at 083 235 3076 OR


Jax Live

Fish and More 66 Main Road, Struisbaai, South Africa

All the hits live Limited tickets available. Bookings at 028 435 7096


Moegdans Langarm Skuur Dans

Sanddrift, Klipheuwel Farm Napier, South Africa

Deure open 18h30 vir 19h00. Kaart fasiliteite beskikbaar. Kaartjies beskikbaar aanlyn by WebTickets of by enige Pick n Pay @ R90. By die deur @ R100. Kontank Kroeg beskikbaar. Boerewors Rolle @ R40.   Sanddrift, Klipheuwel Farm, 4km van Napier & 13km van Bredasdorp. Afdraai op die R316. Vir meer inligting kontak: Robert Hayes 082 …
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South African Council for Business Women Overberg Branch End of Year Social Function

Bredasdorp Square c/o Long and Union Street, Bredasdorp, South Africa

Come join us for a fun-filled lunch at Bredasdorp Square as we celebrate the end of the year on a high note! Bring an item you no longer need to lunch and join the fun! R200 per person.   RSVP by 29 November 2024 at OR whatsapp 077 270 9273.


Kuier Saam Met Callie Roos

Struisbaai Harbour Cafe Harbour Road, Struisbaai, South Africa

Callie Roos se Boek Bekendstelling Seekos mandjie, sherry en wyn proe.   Bespreek nou by René Robinson 083 899 9882 of    
