Waenhuiskrans (wagon house cliff) is the highlight of a visit to Waenhuiskrans Nature Reserve in Arniston, only 190 kilometres from Cape Town on the scenic N2.
The shack was made of the tough budshields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal. On the brown walls of the flattened, overlapping leaves of the sturdy fibered guano there was a picture.
The shack was made of the tough budshields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal. On the brown walls of the flattened, overlapping leaves of the sturdy fibered guano there was a picture.
he charming little Moravian village known as Elim, dominated by white-washed cottages and fig trees, is one of the few surviving South African mission stations, founded in 1824 as the third Moravian mission station in the Cape and has been declared a national monument.
The journey to Cape Agulhas takes you through the very heart of the Overberg region, and a trip to this lovely part of the world is guaranteed to be memorable.
Agulhas National Park is located at Cape Agulhas and encompasses the southernmost tip of the African Continent and the surrounding coastal plain and interior.